How to Choose Between Class A and Class B Work Travel Accommodations
A job travel orientation is a must for all employees preparing to begin employment with a new employer. Orientation regarding the company’s travel policy is necessary to help employees know what to expect when off the job. It is also important to give guidance to current workers about what to do if they are offered travel in order to complete their employment with the company.
In some positions, travel is a mandatory component of the job description; so, the worker must be well prepared to travel to work each day. However, when an employer requires traveling off-site, then the employee must be capable of providing lodging, alternative means of transportation and other assistance needed while on-the-road. Off-site traveling may be temporary or permanent. In either case, an employee must know the procedures required for traveling off-site, and he must be familiar with any limitations of the employer’s policy regarding traveling and lodging. If the employer does not require travel and/or accommodations, an employee must be proactive in seeking information about them.
When employees are preparing to begin a job search, it is natural to focus most of your attention on what will be required of you upon hiring. It is also natural to assume that traveling will be relatively inexpensive and that you will be able to find very comfortable accommodations. However, most companies that offer work-related travel require certain perks and benefits. The employer expects employees to at least provide two basic necessities: job clothing and a car rental.
First Class Offering: For the most part, companies that provide accommodations for on-the-job travel expect an employee to provide two basic necessities: job clothing and a car rental. Typically, these requirements will not be waived. If the employee does not provide these two necessities, he may be considered on-staff non-permanent, meaning he cannot receive benefits for work performed while traveling. If this happens, an employee must forfeit his payment and forfeit his benefits.
Second Class Offering: Most employers who provide on-the-job accommodations do so as a form of incentive for those who maintain good customer service records. If you are traveling off-site for the first time, you must be prepared to provide excellent customer service to new customers. By meeting these requirements, you may be considered for such an accommodation.
When searching for work-related travel accommodations, keep these requirements in mind. Do not assume that because a company requires you to provide accommodations as a form of incentive, their requirement will not be met. Instead, read through the fine print and discuss such requirements with the travel representative. By doing so, you will ensure that you receive the best accommodations and best service possible.