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Types of Tourism in Asia

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Tourism is traveling for business or pleasure; the process and theory of tourism, the industry of organizing, accommodating, entertaining, and bringing tourists to a destination. Tourism is often defined by the amount of visitors or tourists that a destination attracts each year. In most cases, tourism revenue is generated by extending a service or special offer to tourists while they are in town. Today, tourism has become an intricate part of our lives. In addition to providing leisure activities, it has been developed as a means of generating revenue.


When a domestic visitor travels to another country, he expects to experience a new culture and environment. Tourism includes the culture, language, history, food, customs, arts, and leisurely activities of a destination. The aim of tourism is to introduce people to the country, enhance their knowledge of the country’s living standards, and introduce them to the things that they will need while they are there. A domestic tourist also seeks a change of scene and the alteration of routine, to view a different culture and lifestyle. If you plan to bring your family or friends to your house, be sure to make preparations for what they might need when they arrive.

When we think of tourism, what immediately comes to mind are places outside the country. These are called “visitor places.” They can be cities like Paris or Rome, which draw people from all over the world to discover the beauty of their culture and way of life, or they can be countryside homes with beautiful gardens and landscapes that appeal to everyone. A city tourist is likely to spend more money than a native tourist because he wants more than the usual environment and scenery.

Tourism in developing countries is not confined to a particular location but can encompass several areas. The most common type of domestic tourism in these countries is the so-called “inter-tourism,” which involves long international travel, usually arranged by tour operators. Most inter-tourism activities take place along well-known tourist routes such as the famous Silk Road, which is a trade route that brings China eastward into the west. In addition to the commercial aspects of trade, there is also a great deal of cultural exchange between the two countries.

Most foreign visitors to Asia come to see the traditional cultures of Southeast Asia, which is still undergoing rapid urban development. Tourists often choose to visit more traditional, rural places instead of urban centers. This type of tourism promotes interaction between the tourists and locals, as well as the preservation of their way of life. The environment should be as natural as possible, with no concrete structures and very little commercialization. It is much more important that the people are able to live their lives in harmony with the environment than that they can visit and buy goods and souvenirs.

Both inbound and outbound tourism have contributed to the economic vitality of many countries across Asia. Because the tourism industry encompasses a large number of different activities, it has become an important driver of the economy for many Asian countries. Because of its significant contribution to a country’s Gross Domestic Product, it has been called the single largest economic generator in an area that traditionally receives little growth funding.

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