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Avoiding Injuries When Traveling

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Traveling is the temporary movement of humans between different distant geographic locations. Travel can be done by car, bike, foot, plane, train, bus, boat, bicycle, or any other mode, with or without personal luggage, and is one way or itinerary to complete. The word travel derives from the verb – travel, used to move from one place to another. There are many different ways to define the various forms of travel, and some of the most popular include commercial, motor sport, adventure, tourist, transnational and domestic.

Commercial traveling is the usual activity of businessmen and other individuals who need to move from one location to another on business. This category includes but is not limited to, airline travel, trucking and transport, railroads and pipelines, and others. Business travelers will find that this is an exceptionally high-risk profession, as they will be exposed to a lot of risk. Business travelers have to consider the security, privacy, and the environment of the place they are traveling to. They are expected to adhere to safety standards at all times.

Quarantine is the condition of not letting strangers into a country. This is frequently applied to animals, but the rules for traveling involving people are almost identical. Travellers, including tourists, are often quarantined when traveling to third world or undeveloped countries, to prevent the spread of disease. However, some countries may allow certain people into their territory without proper documentation, so it is always wise to be informed about your destination country’s travel policy on quarantine before leaving for a trip, especially if you are going to a very distant location.

Camping and traveling with pets are forbidden in most states, in accordance with sanitary considerations. However, some states allow campers to bring their dogs, cats, birds, or fish into the state parks. This is usually done with written permission from the state parks authorities, and the pets must be kept in a container until the traveler arrives. There are also some exceptions to this rule in coastal or bayside state parks, so it is best to contact local parks for information regarding state park policies.

In accordance with sanitary and public health considerations, flying while traveling on domestic flights or ferries is strictly prohibited. If you are traveling by plane, please note that there are specific regulations regarding the sanitary and health issues associated with these kinds of flying. Please contact your travel advisor for more details. You may also want to check out the FBO website for low-risk or high-risk flights.

When traveling off-road, please take extra care to observe all posted signs, warning about trespassing or prohibited locations. In some areas, there may be specific requirements regarding the use of a trail head; others may prohibit the use of the back country. If unsure about any area, contact the state park’s office. Again, please note that you should contact your travel advisor for more information. As with any activity involving your physical well-being, it is always good practice to seek the advice of a trained and licensed health professional whenever you are traveling in unfamiliar or remote locations, especially if you have a medical condition or are elderly. While we highly recommend that you research appropriate facilities ahead of time, you should also follow basic personal hygiene tips when in unfamiliar surroundings.

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